Saturday, May 10, 2008

Add Me!

If anyone feels the inclination to add a button to there sidebar to help promote me, or if you just want to learn to do this...
Click on this button to get full size.
Right click on it and 'Save As' somewhere on your computer you will remember.
Navigate to the Layout Page of Blogger.
Click on 'Add Page Element'
Choose 'Picture' to add to blog.
Browse to find the picture.
Add my url in the 'Link' line.
Save and Voila you are pimping my style!
Thanks to anyone who feels like doing this I will forever be indebted to you.


Anonymous said...

How about I add you on my about section as creative control bitch?

Debra Stevenson Hager said...

Hey , How do I put a pic or other as the background on a blog. I have a design I found but i have no idea how to set it as a background. Help!-Bradlee

Debra Stevenson Hager said...

thanks for the help it turned out really nice .Thanks again!

JACK!E said...

I am going to have to call on you for help sometime. I deleted my header a little bit ago because it was 'larger than life' and I couldn't figure out how to make it smaller height wise. I don't mind paying either. I just need to decide what I want.